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Tramp Wars: The Enemy Page 7

  Checking to make sure Chet and his buddy were still standing out in front of the airtruck Mark started to crawl back the way he had come but stopped. A devilish grin crossing his face. Going back to the hatch in the floor of the truck he tried opening it and was surprised when it slid to the side without any problems. Sitting up on his knees he rummaged around in his tool belt pouch and took out a tube of super glue and proceeded to place a couple of drops on each of the 4 rear seats and then around on the passenger side front seat. Sliding the hatch closed with more super glue to keep it closed he made his way back to the rear of the airtruck.

  He started to climb out when another grin came to him and he slid back under the fandeck. Taking the tube of super glue back out, he proceeded to place a couple of drops on the tips of one of the blades of several of the fans and then hit each of them with a squirt of hardener.

  Trying to keep from chuckling he started to climb back out from under the airtruck when Chet's buddy suddenly came around the front of the truck.

  Marks heart started to beat out of his chest as panic set in. Fearing they had finely noticed him. He thought about running but knew they would catch him, if not immediately then as soon as he went out to the bus. Either way it would ruin his surprise. But then it did not look like Chet's buddy was in any hurry and probably did not know he was even there. He ducked back under the skirt and the fandeck. Mark watched him walk past the airtruck and into the Maxi container.

  Breathing with a sigh of relief, Mark opened the hatch in the skirt and climbed out.

  The hatch in the side of the Maxi container opened again. Mark quickly grabbed a hold of the upper edge of the skirt hatch and let his arms swing his whole body back under the fan skirt, legs first. Closing the hatch as Chet's buddy stepped back out the open hatch carrying a pack.

  Mark froze as Chet's buddy approached the back of the airtruck and stepped up on the fandeck. There was a gap between the fandeck and the cargo bed and cab of the airtruck, leaving plenty of room for air to get to the fans. With the fandeck a foot or so wider than the bed and cab on each side it left plenty of space for anyone that looked down through the grate and fans to see anyone under them. Mark had slid several feet up under the airtruck trying to put distance between himself and the back end in case the guy came around and opened the tail gate. So when he climbed up onto the side of the cargo bed instead, Mark looked up into the face of the guy and recognized him as Dirk. Mark's heart stopped beating as Dirk seemed to look right at him and not even slow down as he climbed up and threw the pack into the back and then half followed it leaning over the side into the back with his legs dangling into the air, cursing.

  "What the hell is your problem Dirk?" Chet came around the side of the airtruck and climbed up beside Dirk looking right at Mark as he climbed up as well. "What are you doing? Just throw the damn pack in and leave it."

  Swallowing, Mark stayed frozen, knowing from experience that even moving a finger could attract their attention and give him away. He had gotten good at fading into the shadows on bulkheads when he met them unexpectedly in the hold or in the ships passageways.

  "But I don't want my pack buried under all the others in case I need something out of it."

  "I don't care if you can get at your pack or not. I want you to grab the cooler and pack it full of cold beer from the fridge and plug it in between the back seats of the cab so it can stay cold. I don’t want any excuses for our lady friends not drinking plenty so we can have some fun on the way. Oh and that means you get the fat friend of my date and not one complaint. Got that? Now go."

  "Let Tiny have that fat one, I like the other one."

  "Just do what your told Dirk. No farting jokes and no picking your nose and you treat them with respect. They are Navy Ensigns and won't put up with your penile and boob jokes. Got that?" Chet leaned over the side of the bed helping Dirk with something. "I have talked to the other Ensigns and my date is a strip tiger after a few drinks and I plan on doing her before we get to the lodge and then as many times as I can this weekend. I doubt we will even make it out on the slopes." Dirk and Chet stood back on the grating of the fandeck. "I am going to fuck her brains out this weekend and you are going to keep her fat friend busy so they don't interfere or else."

  Mark shook his head in disgust. "How come the Assholes always gets the girls." He said to himself without thinking.

  "What the hell did you say pea brain." Chet turned around on Dirk as he turned red and balled his fists. "Did you call me an asshole you pig? You are lucky I don’t have time to replace you. Now go get the damn cooler!" Slapping him across his head then taking a breath as he calmed down. Dirk backed up a step with his eyes wide open.

  "I didn't say anything boss."

  "Oh shut up and get the damn cooler. I am going to check and worm this thing up so we are ready to go when the girls get here."

  Mark frowned at his stupid comment and almost shook his head at Chet's stupidity thinking he needed to warm the truck's fan motors up but stayed frozen realizing that even the slightest movement could be noticed and give him away. The plasma electric fans did not need worming up nor did anything else on the airtruck unless he was thinking about the electronics or maybe the seats. Forcing himself not to chuckle at that as Dirk jumped down and headed for the Maxi container's side hatch and Chet turned and walked up the side of the fandeck to the cab.

  Mark used the blades to pull himself toward the back of the airtruck as Chet climbed into the cab. Making his plans to jump out and make a run for it Mark heard the distinct sound of a Plasma bottle's solenoid slamming open. Jerking his hand down from the fan blades they started turning to his surprise. "That fucking stupid asshole."

  Mark laid there for several seconds as the blades turned up to speed only inches from his nose. Swallowing, he carefully fastened up his jacket to keep the fan from blowing it to one side then sucking it up and taking him with it. Then finally started using his hands on the deck to carefully push him toward the back of the airtruck, without trying to raise anything on him higher than his nose. Not an easy task on a smooth dirty deck with his hands becoming sweat covered.

  He finally grabbed ahold of a recessed tie down cleat and was able to pull himself far enough back to get ahold of the skirt. Opening the hatch he pulled himself out from under the turning blades keeping his legs flat against the deck until they were clear. Then closed the hatch with relief trying to catch his breath. Taking a breath he started to get up and run for it but remembered the rearview camera Chet's father had also bragged about. Grabbing a role of tape out of his pouch he tore off a piece and slapped it across the lens and made a run for it without looking back.

  Stopping around the end of the container he waited for a second for anything other than the steady hum of the idling fans and not hearing anything Mark smiled. "Wow. This day is turning out to be the best day of my life." Not that he had never gotten even with Chet by screwing with him before but this promised to be one of the best even if it was spur of the moment. Thinking for second about the time he had set off their sprinkler system in their Maxi container during a party of Chet’s fathers big wigs and family a couple of months before and trying to make up his mind which was more satisfying. He decided he would have to wait until this played out to make up his mind. After all this was just the setup, the fun if any, would come later. If he was around.

  Mark made his way around to and then down the last alley leading to the side of the hatch. Passing the hull hatch to the Chain room that gave access to a chain of platforms that ran up and down that side of the ship on a continuous cable loop. It provided a cheap, energy efficient, easy mass transit system up and down most of the length of the ship that could be used even in weightless conditions if the deck gravity coils went out for some reason.

  Mark stopped at the corner of the last container and peeked around. Still trying to figure out why Chet kept looking out the damn cargo hatch. Were his dates arriving in an aircar? Shaking his head at seeing Chet out in front
of the airtruck again looking his way, Mark debated what to do. He finally decided that he would just walk out onto the platform with his glasses off and if Chet yelled at him, he would just ignore him. Hopefully Chet would not know it was him without the big black ugly glasses to give him away. He just hoped he did not walk off the edge of the platform before he found the blob of the bus.

  Something hit his butt sending Mark sprawling out across to the deck in front of the open hatch. Turning as he hit the deck, he saw Tiny and 3 girls in halter tops and skimpy shorts. For some reason the first thing he noticed was that none of them really looked fat though one was not as skinny as the other two. A quick smile came to his face as he wondered how Dirk was going to know who his date was? And then he noticed the girl with boobs that hung out a mile almost popping out of her halter top. Her shorts leaving little to the imagination. Fact is, it did not look like she even had panties on unless they were damn small strings. All three girls looked like they were dressed the same but the first filled it out much better.

  "What the hell are you doing sneaking around here you blind monstrosity." Looking up at Tiny walking toward him. "Were you spying on my friend Chet or were you hopping to get a close look at what you will never have worm face?" Taking a close look at Marks cloths. "Talking about dirty. Have you been rolling in crap you shit face."

  Mark realized the deck and the underside of the airtruck was dirtier than he thought but didn’t care as he looked up at the girl with big boobs. All Tiny usually did was throw insults, (insults he had gotten used to long ago) so he was a little surprised at Tiny kicking him in the leg a few seconds later. More surprised than hurt Mark spoke up. "I am headed for that bus out on the ramp. I am flying a group of kids to the zoo." Mark said with pride as he started to pick himself up off the deck.

  Tiny stepped forward and kicked Mark back down to the deck before stepping back out of reach again.

  Mark looked up at Tiny, baffled. It was not normal for him to be so physical. Seeing Tiny look at the girls and puff his shoulders up Mark realized that he was putting on a show for them. Shaking his head he started to get up again but this time when Tiny (now emboldened by his first two attacks), came at Mark again to kick him. Mark reached out and grabbed Tiny's foot and crouched there. Trying to make up his mind what to do. Mark’s training telling him to kick him between the legs to incapacitate him along with a half dozen other things that would break bones or dislocate joints but he could not make himself do it. Not wanting to hurt Tiny since he had never really hurt him physically before. Mark did not quit know what to do that would not hurt him but he knew he did not want him kicking him again. Then one of the girls stepped up from behind and round house kicked Mark across his head sending his glasses flying. Mark fell across the deck but did not let go of Tiny's foot, jerking and twisting Tiny's foot, dragging Tiny down as he fell. Tiny let out a scream of pain.

  One of the girls rushed to Tiny. "You monster. You hurt Tiny you creep."

  Mark tried to get up while looking for some kind of blob that could be his glasses but was kicked back down to the deck. "You keep your stupid butt down on that deck until I tell you to get up maggot." Said one of the girls bending over him. He was not sure but the blob looked like it had big breast.

  Someone walked up to him and kicked him in the side of his gut. "What the hell do you think you are doing here Collins?" It was Chet's voice coming from the blob that had knocked the wind out of him as he tried to breath.

  "He said he is piloting a bunch of kids to the zoo on that bus." The girl with big blobs on her chest said. "Is this the blind moron you have been telling me about? With a pilots license?"

  "Ya. I was hoping he would show up so we could have some fun before we left and what happens but he walks right in at the perfect time."

  One of the girls picked something up off the deck and walked over bending down close to look at Mark. "Is this what you call glasses?" She seemed to move her arm blob toward her head blob but even close up he could not be sure if she had anything in her hand. "God you are blind. Why did they even let you live?"

  "Give me that! I need them to see."

  One of the other girls came up saying sarcastically. “Give me that.” One blob with big blobs on her chest seemed to jerk something from the first blob.

  The original blob yelled. "Hey don’t' break them until I can check them out."

  "Hey." Mark said between clenched teeth as he sat up on the deck trying to keep track of his glasses. "Believe me, they don't make you look any smarter girls but then it looks like you girls could use all the help you can get so I may be wrong."

  "What the hell does that mean moron?"

  "See what I mean, dumb as door knobs."

  "Shut up stupid." Chet kicked Mark in the side of the stomach again pushing him back on the deck then stepped away. "Dirk, Tiny, grab him. The hatch is open and the ramp’s out. I always wanted to try dangling him head first over the side of the platform and see how much he screams." Chet's blob started walking out the hatch. Who knows he just may commit suicide today the pore idiot. Been awhile since my dad has gotten rid of anyone that way. No one seems to be stupid enough to meet him on any of the open ramps anymore."

  Mark was ready for them this time and sitting on the deck did not offer that good of a target to begin with. "Godstar Chet. I know your head had to work over time, but is that all your stupid mind can come up with. The hold is full of people and a whole bus load of kids are due here any minute. At least try to put some effort into it. You have a whole junk deck full of pipes and sharp things."

  Chet turned around. "Hurry up! Oh and shut him up while you are at it guys. We will take him around behind the bus and out of sight. About time he was put out of his missory."

  Mark started to tell him that the bus was equipped with cameras inside and out but figured it could wait until they made it that far. Not being able to breathe very well helped keep his mouth shut as he tried to study is attackers like the marines defense classes had taught him.

  Two blobs bent down to pick Mark up as he still seemed to have to gasp for air with his legs pulled up to his stomach and were not ready when Mark kicked out at them. He managed to kick one in the nose but the other only got a foot in the chest but it was enough to knock them both back to sprawl onto the deck. Blood running from the one's nose.

  One of the girls quickly stepped forward and kicked Mark across the head again as he tried to get up. Even though he was looking right at her seeing the blob of her body approaching when she did it. He never saw the leg coming but he heard it and felt the heat of the bare leg as it dropped him to the deck again. "I said to stay down on the deck moron." Mark half recognized the voice of the gal with big boobs as he contemplated the fact that he could hear and feel the leg coming at him long before it hit even though he could not see it. Something he had not noticed before with his helmet and baggy suits on during the self-defense classes blocking out those senses.

  Chet walked back into the hold. "You two get back up and grab that blind idiot so we can have some fun. Now!"

  The two blobs came at Mark. One of them still limping. The other blotting at his nose where Mark had connected.

  Mark tried to shake his head to clear his mind as the two blobs coming from both sides this time to avoid his feet. Again he could feel and hear them coming adding to the blobs he saw allowing him to turn his body just where he wanted it forcing them to grab him where he wanted them to. They reached down grabbing him by the upper arms and lifted.

  Marks forearms were still free to move and without thinking he reached up and clamped his fingers deep into the throats of both boys and squeezed as hard as he could. Digging his fingers into and around their windpipes trying to tear them out.

  Both boys started to gurgle in muted screams and shoved him away leaving red nail scratches on their throats, dropping him back onto the deck hitting his head.

  Someone kicked him and then another.

  "What the hell is going on here? G
et away from him now!"

  Mark heard a familiar tapping as a new blob approached. And then he recognized the voice of the old man of the garbage deck everyone called Pop.

  Chet lost a couple inches of height though Mark could not see it as Chet turned to Pop. His expression turning meek and respectful. "We were just defending ourselves old man. Collins here attacked and tried to force himself on my girlfriend there. We had to fight him off."

  "Oh really." Pop looked at the women. "You three are Ensigns. Is that what happened? You had to fight off a boy laying on the deck that could not see enough of you to defend himself let alone attack you."

  The one with big blobs on her chest was still only feet away from Mark with blood on her shoe as she answered. "I saw this asshole kick those two and then try to tear out their throats old man. Now get out of here before I have you hauled off to the farm for interfering with a ships officer. This is none of your business."

  "Now since I am still a Marine Captain in the reserves and out rank you three little piss ant Ensigns, I will tell you what is going to happen. You all are on report but since I can't prove right now what I know happened, you assholes can go on your little vacation. That is if you get the hell out of here before I change my mind and look at the hold cams now."

  "But he assaulted my friends." Chet bellowed. Thinking that if he yelled the lie loud enough it would sound like the truth. It usually worked.

  Pop looked down at both of Chet's friends and then Mark. "It looks like Mark did a pretty good job of defending himself against you assholes even though he was blind without his glasses. Speaking of which. Give Mark back his glasses Ensign."

  The blob with big blobs on her chest threw the glasses down at Mark sending them bouncing off his face and across the deck. "There, you stupid old man. He can have his worthless glasses back. He is likely to fall off the platform even with them on."