Battleship Destroyer 2 (Battleship Destoryer) Read online

Page 4

  "Watch your language Lt. Commander, I will see what I can do. Out."

  “Finally someone is calling me by my official rank.” Jack chuckled and rolling his eyes for a second. “Now when it could get us all killed.”

  Jack looked around the decks adjacent to the landing zone, shaking his head. Being one of the two surviving children (on his Trampship Turner Joy) born under a Neutron Star, had resulted in turning on long dead genes that allowed Jack to see most energy waves besides the simple light waves everyone else that were normal humans could see by. It was a curse most of the time but it had in the past as it now was doing, saved lives. That is if he could just get his troops loaded so he could get down where he needed to be. He could see the heat of Apes through the bulkheads and decks and too many Red Apes were stopping to give honorable deaths to Black Apes or worse yet, hunting them down instead of heading for the transports.

  Hitting his comm. "This is a recall order, anyone not on the transports in 2 minutes is being left behind." Taking a deep breath. "Two minute warning. If you miss the Transports you will have to make your way to one of the other company’s if the ship does not blow up because you were not along to help protect the last surviving Slaves. I may have to pull Company C down to the Boat deck as well. Rescuing the remaining slaves is our top priority now. That is all and good luck to those left behind if you think giving a few Apes glorious deaths now instead of later is more important than keeping everyone including yourselves alive." Jack smiled as most of the hunters decided that being left behind was not such a good idea and started making beelines for the nearest Transport scattered around the gun deck.

  As the last Red Ape assigned to his shuttle jumped onto the loading ramp a good minute ahead of his deadline Jack slapped the Ensign on the shoulder. "Get us out of here now Ensign and drop down the side staying as close to the hull as possible. Please avoid the turrets and pylons sticking out of the hull."

  They dropped rapidly down. The transport scrapped the hull making a screeching sound for a few seconds bringing a smile to Jack's lips as he reached up to pat the Ensign cringing shoulder. "Don't worry about it Ensign. This is a tough old bird. She will take it. Just keep her close even if she scrapes once in a while."

  The transport continued to drop dodging around the point defense turrets and towers. Scraping the hull every once in a while without the Ensign panicking again. Gunfire from the Transport as well as several Destroyers continued taking out the remaining point defense turrets as the Assault Transport dropped.

  They passed the wide open boat locks as Jack watched the battle going on with the troops clustered around and in the Assault Transports as wave after wave of Crazed Black Apes continued to assault them. The firing from the big guns of the Assault Transports doing most of the work with the troops cleaning up the many that got past the big guns or dropping through maintenance access trunks over and around the lock, in close quarters fighting. Squinting to block out other light, Jack could see thousands of Apes on the upper decks headed for the boat deck from above.

  "Pan, I thought there were only some 10,000 Apes stored in hibernation. At least that was my estimate by counting hibernation decks. I must see at least twice that many if not more coming down the ship." Jack turned to face the tall alien with the long straight dress that touched the deck even when she sat awkwardly in the Comm panel chair.

  "That was our home ship the Kampuchea Captain, an Attack ship with the minimum number of Apes and only two boat maintenance bays because that was all it needed. This ship has 6 large Assault Transport maintenance locks along with general assault craft maintenance bays for ground attack fighters and APC's. All needed for the extended flight decks above and in the lower heavy armored Decks. This ship is a planetary Assault ship Captain. It can carry at least a hundred thousand planetary Assault Apes along with all their heavy equipment such as tanks and artillery. Or did at one time. Though most of these ships have lost many of their troops over the millenniums. I cannot tell you how many troops were left on this ship. Though Ape replacements are much easier to acquire than crews. The factory production ship can hatch replacements when it finds a new home planet with a reliable food source to feed them. It is also possible it was reinforced for its mission to attack any supply and maintenance bases which the detached fleet was looking for."

  "Ok, so why are there slaves still alive someplace and we have not gone boom yet?" The Transport continued to drop down the side of the ship. Pointing at a hole in the side between 2 engine pylons Jack smiled as he slapped the Ensign on the shoulder and pointed. "There. Take us into that hole. It looks big enough to hold the Transport." Tapping his Comm. "We are about to slid into a large compartment. Third Platoon (Heavy weapons) will secure the perimeter. First and second, will scout the deck looking for survivors and a hatch into the Core." Turning to the Ensign. "Leave our ass out the hole far enough to serve as a landing dock for the other transports." Tapping his Comm again. "B Company Transports will dock with my boat to off load troops." Tapping the Comm again. "C Company, how are you doing up topside?"

  "We made it down three decks but not finding any slaves and doing fine until a few minutes ago. I had to retreat to the flight deck. Now they are coming out of the deck like zombies. Wait one." Jack could hear big blasters in the back ground. "The air support just got here we have a couple of Destroyers hovering just below the overhead armored pancake deck, blowing a big hole in the center access trunk. What do you want us to do with all these ground attack fighters and transports up here?"

  "Ahh. Save the ones you can but don't take any risks. It is possible we can use them in the future but there could be a hundred thousand enemy troops, so I want you to go back to plan A and hunker down and let the Crazy Zombie Apes come to you. Just establish a killing ground and sit back. The more you can take out up there with the massive amounts of support you can bring to bear, the fewer we have to worry about down here." Starting to cut the line Jack hesitated. "Ahh, be ready to pull out and send some of your platoons if not your whole company down to support A Company if they need it." Jack watched one of the Transports slide up to the extended stern ramp of the docked Transport and drop its side ramps onto Jacks Assault transports open stern hatch and ramp. Marines and Red Apes started running across the ramps and through the cargo hold and into the ship. The armored Bigfoots bending low duck walking to get through the side hatch. "Call me if anything changes. Commander out." Turning to the Ensign he smiled. "The Deck is yours Ensign."

  “Not this time. I am coming with you.”

  “No damn it! You need to stay here where it is safe.” Jack swallowed realizing that was the last thing he needed to say and tried again. “I need you to make sure the other boats get docked and the rest of the Company get deployed properly.”

  “Don’t give me that bullshit. The Boat is locked down to the deck and the Apes already know what needs to be done. I am coming with you Love and that is all there is to it.”

  ‘No you are not and that’s an order!” Jack said in no uncertain terms then turned and left the bridge. Grabbing his heavy Ape assault gun as he did. At the hull hatch he stopped and turned around to face the Ensign following him carrying her own modified assault gun with its barrel and stock cut down for her size. "Just where do you think you are going Ensign?"

  Smiling she finished inspecting the Assault gun and throwing an ammo belt with grenades from the rack next to the lock, over her head across her shoulder. "I am going with you oh mighty one. Admiral's orders remember, Captain."

  Pan came gliding up as usual but with an assault weapon cut down like the Ensigns that looked completely out of place for her. What was even stranger, she was wearing a suit of armor that followed her skirt strait down to the deck. Jack had never seen her in anything but the full length dress before but took it for granted that she would put on pants if she had to put on a space suit or armored suit. But then he had only known her for a few months since he had rescued her and the first group of aliens off the first
Enemy Spider Battleship hulk he had assaulted trying to find out who and what they were fighting. Besides Jack had never seen a suit built like a full length dress before. Jack decided to drop it for the moment. They really did not have the time. "Ah do you know how to use that Pan." Jack asked glancing down at the cut down Ape assault gun.

  She looked up from the power pack belt she was putting on and bowed with a smile. "Yes Captain, I have been taking lessons from the Red Apes. I will not go back to slavery. You need my help when you find the slaves and possibly to get into the Power Core."

  "Ok. Well, let's get this show on the road." Jack slapped his helmets face shield down then walked through the air curtain of the hatch as he looked around the ship doing his best to look past the blinding lights in the compartment around him and headed for the center of the ship where he hoped to find the Power Cores. Half way across the compartment he turned to Pan as she came sliding out across the deck. Her body looking like she was not walking under that space suit dress but just gliding. Though that was how she usually looked now that he thought about it. He had simple always taken it for granted that she walked like everyone else without really looking. But know with the hard armor not flopping around or dragging behind like he remembered over the last months he could not help wondering what was wrong. The lower skirted half remained perfectly upright as she went down the ramp to the deck and up to Jack. Shaking his head. "Pan you know your way around this ship better than I, so lead the way. Find us either the surviving slaves or the Power Cores Control Room."

  "I do not understand why I cannot contact the slaves or the Power Room Crew." Pan said baffled as she lifted her visor.

  Jack smiled and did the same as he realized the section of ship was still pressurized? Evidentially someone had slapped an air curtain across the hole in the hull. “Just tell me which way to go and don't get out ahead. There are a lot of crazy Apes around even with our troops spreading out ahead."

  Pan stopped and bowed to Jack solemnly, then smiled as she slid through the hatch and down a corridor with her weapon ready. Jack had to almost run to keep up with her with the Ensign close behind him. Gutner Dank laughed and followed behind with a heavy weapons Fire Team of Red Apes following him.

  Jack caught up to Pan as she stopped at a hatch that would not open for her. Narrowing and shading his eyes from the bright overhead light that seemed to emanate from the overhead’s corners, Jack peered at the hatch then moved his head to the side as he stepped to the side of the Corridor. It looks like someone had welded up the hatch from the other side and flooded the Corridor with something solid as well as the next 2 sections and then a very thick dense hull section that curved around to both sides that he could not see through. Some kind of tube. See through was not the right word as Jack’s eyes saw the many different radiation waves of the spectrum radiating from a source and what he could not see was any radiation coming from the thick bulkhead or hull of the core tube. Though all the power lines to and from the equipment for a few dozen feet around the tube were clear as day as long as he could shield his eyes from the glaring light around him that threatened to wash out most of the detail. Yes, he thought as he looked up and down. A huge long tube disappearing down many decks with the top curving over to form a cap a few decks above them." Shaking his head as he turned to leave. "Someone did not want anyone getting into whatever is behind the hatches. We will have to go a different way." Turning to Pan. "What is inside the armored tube?"

  "The Power Core section of course Captain. Is that not where you wanted me to take you?"

  "Yes but the hatch is welded and the passageway beyond to what looks like a main hatch is blocked. Is there another entrance?"

  "Yes there should be 4 on this deck, though I am not that familiar with this ship’s design but they may be blocked as well. We may have to try one of the other power balls."

  "Well, we won't know until we try. Evidentially someone was trying to survive the Ape Berserkers using the core as a panic room." Jack turned around and headed back down the Corridor making a turn at the junction into a side passageway. Pan catching up to him as she seemed to glide along the deck with her weapon at the ready as she leaned forward with a determined look on her face.

  She beat Jack through the half open hatch into a compartment and disappeared before Jack could push it the rest of the way open. He had slowed down as he approached to survey what he could see through the partially open hatch before going through. Rolling his eyes in disgusted exasperation he suddenly rushed through behind her. Pan was standing still in the middle of the compartment with her weapon raised pointing at a slavering Berserker Ape charging her. A half-eaten body lay on the deck behind the Ape. Her finger was on the trigger but the weapon was not firing.

  Jack's thumb slid down across the safety without thinking as he pulled the trigger on his assault gun without taking time to raise it to his shoulder. Shooting the charging Ape through the side of the chest with the first shot and working down across its body as he over compensated for the muzzle lift, taking out its legs dropping it to the deck to slide up against Pan's skirt with a thump, knocking her sliding across the deck to come slowly to a stop half a dozen feet back away from the dead corpse. The skirt remaining perfectly upright while her upper body was bent over above her waist with the heavy assault gun dragging on the deck. Her face looking up toward the corps as the lower half slowly came to a stop before she could straighten back up but continued to stare at body.

  Jack walked up to her as he slid his gun over his shoulder where it was easy to get at, putting his arm around her shoulders he turned her away from the corps. Sliding her easily across the deck. He finely realized that she was riding in or on some kind of gravity coil platform or tub. Turning the gun up and a little sideways to make it easier for her to see. He put his hand on hers and helped her push the safety off and back on with her thumb. "The gun works better when you take the safety off. That just takes practice. Something you can't get in just the gun range or just a few lessons. You will get the beast next time."

  She looked over at Jack and then back down at the gun, flicking the safety off and on several times. Then turning toward the dead Ape she pointed the gun at it, flicked the safety off and pulled the trigger killing the corps again and again. Finely looking up she flicked the safety back on and turned to Jack and the Ensign with tears in her eyes. "They have been killing us for so long I just wanted to, too." She turned and glided up to the next hatch and stopped and waited for Jack to take the lead.

  They started passing Ape bodies and then Apes wondering around bumping into things as they tried to walk someplace while others sat trying to do something over and over again.

  Jack killed the first couple but they did not even look up from what they were doing. When the next did not even notice him he just kept walking.

  Pan stopped and pointed her weapon at the helpless Ape drooling over himself trying to do something repeatedly with its hands. Flicking the safety off, she stood staring at the pitiful creature. After a good minute as Jack watched she started flicking the safety on, then back off, then back on for a few seconds only to flick it back off ready to fire as a determined hateful look came across her face only to flick the safety on again as pity crossed her face.

  Gutner Dank stepped over and hacked its head off with his micro blade. "If you can't kill them with hate, don't kill them with pity. Pity is not honorable." Slapping her on the back. "Make your first kill when the Berserker is fit and ready for you. Be honorable for both of you." Then pushed her sliding after Jack as he stepped through the next hatch.

  Jack only bothered to kill after that if the beast noticed them. Or was in the process of feasting at a corps. Those seemed to have the energy and desire to kill when they finely noticed the intruders. Whether by smell or sight Jack did not care, he just dropped them before they could move as soon as he saw them. The rest he left for the Red Apes to take care of. Pan no longer seemed interested in killing anything. Making Jack relieved as he
continued to step over or around the many Ape bodies already dead.

  They passed 2 more main Corridors leading into the Fusion Power Core that were blocked off as was the first. Shaking his head. "Shit! Most likely the last one is blocked off as well." Jack looked down at the seemingly undamaged Ape corpses spread down the Corridor. "There has got to be a way into the damn thing." Tapping his come. "Major, now that most of the Apes are dead have you had any luck in finding any slaves alive?"

  "What the hell are you talking about? We are barely holding on here even with the heavy weapon reinforcement squads C-Company has sent down."

  "What? Most of the Apes down here are either dead or close to it." Looking around for a few seconds, Jack suddenly pulled his pistol out and started shooting the overhead corner light panels. "Gutner, take out all the light panels in this Corridor. Now, hurry man and shut that damn hatch." A half minute later that section of corridor was dark. Pitch black. "Ok everyone, just sit down and wait for a few minutes." As his eyes slowly got used to the dark, he was able to see farther with more detail.

  The Ensign came to life in front of Jack and with a smile she stepped forward and placed a lip lock on Jack as a spark snapped between their lips without having to feel around. Breaking contact from her with a smack, Jack looked down to see Pan standing, looking around trying to figure out what was going on. Reaching out tentatively feeling for the bulkhead she was next to. Jack studied her for a seconds noticing the blood flowing through her body from the heart in her chest through her small set of lungs up to the brightness of the brain in her head. Little different than the Ensigns though they were easy to tell apart. What suddenly shocked him was when he looked down and saw nothing that resembled legs in her long skirt, but did look like a fish’s tail complete with fins. Her lower half was sitting supported in a narrow tank up above the knees on a human would be but without the human knees and then up to an all too human butt and above. "Damn, she is a mermaid Ensign."